In September 2020, Limnological Institute SB RAS and Molchanov-Sibirsky Irkutsk Regional State Multipurpose Scientific Library will host the Seventh International Vereshchagin Baikal Conference in the memory of the outstanding Russian scientist Gleb Yu. Vereshchagin who headed the comprehensive large-scale studies at Lake Baikal. The Conference has a rich history, being held every five years since 1989 at Limnological Institute SB RAS.
Dear Conference participants, the V-th Baikal Symposium on Microbiology ( will be organized in the framework of the VII-th Vereshachagin Baikal Conference on the basis of the Limnological Institute of the SB RAS.
Update: In view of the pandemic of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) announced by WHO and the alleged second epidemic wave in the summer and autumn of 2020, the Organizing Committee of the VIIth International Vereshchagin Baikal Conference decided to hold the event in the form of a Web Conference with online broadcasting of presentations in remote access.
Invitation links (ZOOM):
Plenary session, Opening of the Conference and Summing up of the results
ID: 848 2918 5880
Code: 585694
Session 1. Current global changes in the aquatic ecosystems, and methods for monitoring of the aquatic environment
ID: 833 9074 4793
Code: 016146
Session 2. Biodiversity of large freshwater bodies: molecular and conventional approaches and models
ID: 894 9835 9404
Code: 352340
Session 3. Aquatic organisms: aspects of genomics, physiology, and biochemistry
ID: 851 2408 2801
Code: 397897
Session 4. The cycle of organic matter and nutrients
ID: 889 5379 4111
Code: 812038
Session 5. Hydrological and hydrophysical processes and their effect on the state of the aquatic environments
ID: 835 7795 6011
Code: 406866
Please upload the PowerPoint file. It will advise how to make a PPT for ORAL OR POSTER presentation to the VBC-2020 Conference. Use this PowerPoint template to prepare your presentation. Do not forget to indicate a title, authors, affiliation, and a type of presentation (oral/poster) on the first page. Note that the maximum size of a file to send is 30 Mb.
Telegram chat
VBC-2020 chat on Telegram has been created for questions and prompt notification of the Conference participants: Join us, and we will be happy to answer your questions.
We remind you that the abstracts of the Conference will be published in the form of short communications in a special issue of the journal “Limnology and Freshwater Biology” at In the current situation, we extended the abstract submission deadline until 1 June 2020.
The Vereshchagin Conferences are the largest events that represent the studies of the formation mechanisms, biodiversity, evolution of Lake Baikal, world’s lakes, other water bodies and watercourses of land by methods of related sciences (including hydrobiology, hydrology, water chemistry, physics, geology, climatology, biology, etc.). Such comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the nature of water bodies is necessary to determine quantitative patterns, processes and anthropogenic impacts, develop of methods for physical, chemical and biological monitoring, assess the impact of the economic activity on the environmental objects, substantiate scientifically the measures required for the protection of Lake Baikal and other lakes of the world, and prepare the recommendations for the rational use of resources of lakes and other water bodies.
During the Conference, there will be plenary, oral and poster sessions. Additionally, within the International Scientific School for Young Researchers “Modern Interdisciplinary Limnology”, there will be lectures of the world’s leading scientists.
The areas of supposed scientific problems and research prospects to be discussed are as follows:
- Biodiversity of large freshwater bodies: sustainability and mechanisms of formation;
- Hydrological and hydrophysical processes and their effect on the state of aquatic environments;
- Atmospheric aerosol, precipitation, and exchange processes in the atmosphere-water surface-biota system;
- Current critical factors of natural and anthropogenic origin affecting the ecological state of aquatic environments;
- Cycles of organic matter and nutrients;
- Molecular ecology of hydrobionts;
- Silica in nature;
- Scientific background of measures necessary for the preservation of water bodies;
- Gas hydrates and other hydrocarbons in freshwater bodies;
- Toxicology issues of aquatic organisms, persistent organic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems;
- Approaches and methods for direct and remote control monitoring of the aquatic environment;
- Biological water resources and their rational use.
The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
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