Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Limnological institute took part in the fifth jubilee Russian scientific and practical workshop with international participation named after G.S. Vakhromeev

Limnological institute took part in the fifth jubilee Russian scientific and practical workshop with international participation named after G.S. Vakhromeev

From 23 to 26 May, 2018, Limnological institute took part in the fifth jubilee Russian scientific and practical workshop with international participation named after G.S. Vakhromeev “MORDERN METHODS OF SEARCHING IN ORE AND OIL GEILOGICAL EXPLORATION” conducted by Irkutsk National Research Technical University on the shore of the Kurkut Bay (tourist camp “Bayar”). During the workshop, there were field observations using various types of geophysical equipment, work with an underwater using the research vessel “I.D. Papanin” owned by Limnological Institute SB RAS, as well as report on gas hydrates of Lake Baikal and geological excursion along the water area of southwestern part of Maloye More strait.

The TurtleROV2 remote-controlled device (MIET, Zelenograd)

Training in the operating the device

The view of the bottom

Participants in the flied part of the workshop